Online games, such as video games and free online casino games, may not only be fun to play, they may also be very beneficial for your health. In fact, although some people may be under the impression that gaming is little more than junk food for the brain, research has found that certain types of games are not just great stress reducers; they can also boost, among other things, cognitive function.

For instance, some studies have found that certain strategic games that require you to problem solve and think outside of the box to complete certain missions or achieve specific types of success, can give the brain a workout and increase cognitive skills. Cognitive function involves every aspect of thinking, remembering, reasoning and perception; it is an intellectual process by which a person comprehends, perceives, or becomes aware of ideas. Therefore, if you like playing casino games, be sure to choose entertainment like an online blackjack game that will provide you with a greater challenge and involves strategy.

Playing online games may also help slow the aging process. According to a University of Iowa study that was released in 2013, playing brain-teasing games for two hours per week could help slowdown the amount of mental decay that occurs due to the natural process of aging.

In addition, other studies have found that games can help improve the reading skills of dyslexic children and even help teens become better virtual surgeons than current medical experts. Furthermore, depending on the game that is played, it can even be a pain reliever or help to improve a gamer’s eyesight.

That being said, while there are many surprising ways that online games and regular video games can improve your brain health, one thing is for certain, they are enjoyable and – if nothing else – can be great stress relievers.

With that in mind, make sure to play games that not only interest you and are fun, but require you to use strategy and memory. Challenge your brain, give it a work out and improve your knowledge.